
I am proud that I am an Australian, a daughter of the Southern Cross, a child of the mighty bush. I am thankful I am a peasant, a part of the bone and muscle of my nation, and earn my bread by the sweat of my brow, as man was meant to do.

~ My Brilliant Career, Miles Franklin

About The Books of Australia

The Books of Australia is a blog solely dedicated to Australian literature. Here, you will be able to Australian book reviews, author information and other resources.

It is a place where people can share information about Australian books and other literary issues.

It is important to read Australian literature - in order to support Australia's writers and publishing industry, as well as to learn more about our heritage, culture and people.

We encourage international bloggers to have an interest in Australian fiction and share with us their thoughts and reviews on Australian books.

Contributions sought

Anyone who has reviewed an Australian book on their own website is welcome to submit it to be posted on The Books of Australia as well.

All you need to do is email thebooksofaustralia (at) gmail.com with the following information:
  • Name of your blog and it's web address,
  • Title and author of the Australian book which you have reviewed,
  • The text of the review
Your review will then be posted on The Books of Australia, providing you with credit and a link to your blog.

Contributors will also have a link to their blog placed in the side bar.

Any suggestions can be emailed to thebooksofaustralia (at) gmail.com